- #!/bin/bash
- is_samba_installed=`rpm -qa|grep samba|wc -l`
- if [ $is_samba_installed != 0 ]
- then
- echo "You had already installed Samba."
- exit 0
- fi
- echo "It will install Samba."
- sleep 1
- cnfdir="/etc/samba/smb.conf"
- chkok(){
- if [ $? != 0 ]
- then
- echo "Error, Please try again."
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- yum install -y samba
- chkok
- sed -i 's/MYGROUP/WORKGROUP/' $cnfdir
- sed -i 's/user/share/' $cnfdir
- sed -i '$a\[fish]' $cnfdir
- if [ -d $1 ]
- then
- cd $1
- echo "test" > test.txt
- sed -i '$a\[fish]\n\tcomment = Share All\n\tpath = "'$1'"\n\tbrowseable = yes\n\tpublic = yes\n\twritable = no' $cnfdir
- else
- mkdir $1
- cd $1
- echo "test" > test.txt
- sed -i '$a\[fish]\n\tcomment = Share All\n\tpath = "'$1'"\n\tbrowseable = yes\n\tpublic = yes\n\twritable = no' $cnfdir
- fi
- /etc/init.d/smb start
- chkok
- echo "Please input [\\sambaIP\sharename] to access the share dir."